Category: Headlines

COVID-19: Travel Ban

Airline travel has been greatly affected by the recent COVID-19 virus. Just recently, Warren Buffet has just sold all of his airline stocks. Airline companies are struggling.

COVID-19: Distance Learning

It was just a matter of time and opportunity. The old and outdated education system is joining the technological era of video conferencing implementation; and this will be a norm even after COVID-19.

The World in Turmoil? A matter of Perspective.

The last couple of days have been a mess on every single level. Lives have been changed to a degree where we are projecting cultural and social-economical impacts that will put a milestone mark in the history of humankind. One word will be spoken in the future to bring back flashbacks of the most recent dark times in the world: #CoronaVirus, a.k.a COVID-19.

Facebook Hacked…again

Another data breach exposing more than 50 million Facebook users; for the first time, I’m considering pulling the plug on that application. Don’t get me wrong: I love Facebook. It allows me to connect...

Why I didn’t go to church Today – Black Lives Matter

I usually don’t like writing blog posts in response to current events, because I believe everyone needs time to think and reflect before speaking up (or in this case, writing) about any hot topics, because words are spoken and they will never be unspoken. Out of our mouth comes the power to give life and at the same time the power to take it away.

Super Blood Moon 2015

Took this picture of the Super Blood Moon using my digital camcorder photo function as my phone couldn’t do much. The super moon eclipse is a rare event that takes place every decade (approx. every 18 years, although it took 33 years from the last event). It’s when the Lunar Eclipse event coincides with a Full Moon, hence #SuperBloodMoon.