This week has been a reminder to me that we are not promised tomorrow. We are granted one life on earth and every moment is meant to be special since there is no re-do. Every day should be a special one since it could be your last.

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." - James 4:13-14

I spent a couple of hours going through our family photos and videos, looking at my children how they used to be so little; it seemed just like yesterday. Time surely passes by and waits for no one; the most precious commodity that we possess. Yet, many of us spend life chasing futile and useless things, wasting the very precious thing that we cannot buy back: time.

Moving forward...

  • Wake up every morning with a goal in mind - Do not start your day without knowing what you want to accomplish that day. Similarly, do not go to bed without reflecting on what you've accomplished during the day and what you're planning on doing tomorrow. Keeping your goals in mind will help you navigate through your daily challenges and will help you stay focus.
  • Do not procrastinate - It is so easy to waste time by doing meaningless and unplanned things throughout the day while delaying dealing with things that are part of our actual tasks list. Fifteen minutes here and there on social media and television can be easily justified as "relaxation" or "break" time. Yet, when you account for all these little breaks at the end of the day, you realize that we live in a society where more than half of our day can be allocated to justified unproductivity. Instead, stick to your list, and only accept change in plans in case of an emergency.
  • Trade your time like gold because it is priceless - When you realize how precious time is, you tend not to use it in vain. You find yourself questioning every activity against your master plan.
  • Live and enjoy life - Yes, live your life daily. I've seen many people plan for the future every single day. I plan for the future, but I live for today. Which means that I enjoy every single activity that I decide to accomplish. Take life at its fullest.

Finally, don't look back with regret. Just like time, keep moving forward. For every single day in your past, you get another chance daily to make your life better, as long as you live.

By Eric